Hi! Guess it's been a while since my last post, a long while. This year, I'm going to try to do better with posting. :)
Other people are starting to discover (what most of us have known for years) the joys of collection ACEO art cards. I recently entered five of my little beauties, along with three other pieces of miniature artwork, into our Northeast Nebraska Art Association's Annual Spring Art Show and Sale. And, guess what!, one of the miniature pieces won a red ribbon and one ACEO won an honorable mention!!!
"Grazing" Red Ribbon (will be going to the Nebraska state art show competition)
"Hamster & Red Balloon" White Ribbon (an alternate for the state show)
I've discovered that ACEO artwork looks stylish nestled in a 5" x 7" mat and framed with either a simple or ornate frame. In fact, I'll be offering more of my ACEOs for sale already matted. I'll also be taking matted ACEO artwork to area art shows. Which brings me to other news...
For a little while, I'll be creating artwork full time. We'll see how it goes.(Saying a little prayer and hoping for the best!). With eBay changing (again), I decided that maybe it's time to do a few changes in my studio. Keep checking in with me as new Halloween art and craftwork appears on the horizon!
Wishing everyone a nice Easter/Spring holiday!